BEAM Myanmar: Yangon Office


Sustainable Social Change through Education


Bridging Educational Access to Marginalized Communities


Equity, nondiscrimination, multiculturalism, sustainability, inclusiveness, peace


  • To empower communities toward sustainability
  • To build or assist in building an inclusive and continuous education structure
  • To promote innovation in different forms of education
  • To provide educational technical support to grassroots communities
  • To promote a vocational and alternative education pathway for marginalized learners


BEAM Myanmar was initiated in March of 2015. The program is part of the educational development process for Myanmar transnational individuals, which includes migrants and refugees, and introduces an initial strategy for the development of community-based non-formal education in Myanmar. In addition to the estimated 400,000 migrant children living in Thailand (UNESCO, 2014), there are children crossing the Thai-Myanmar border in both directions every day. Migration between Thailand and Myanmar has become perpetual. Since children and youth are part of these mobile communities crossing the border, BEAM Education Foundation, as a coordination office of MEII, believes that a system for facilitating cross-border education linkages between community-based migrant schools (MLCs1) in Thailand and public schools in Myanmar in critical. The system should provide continuous education access to children on both sides of the border.

Major activities


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Educational Advocacy and Networking

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Welcoming School Program

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NFE and

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