From Dewei to Chiang Mai University
August 13, 2024

Julia’s Education and Scholarship Journey of Resilience and Triumph

By BEAM Staff

Are you looking for a way to gain a university education? Maybe Julia’s story will inspire you to develop your pathway!

Julia Win was just seventeen when she began her higher education journey at BEAM Education Foundation. Originally born in Kalaw, Shan State, Myanmar, Julia had always pursued excellence and was searching for ways to get a university education.

Julia actually only had three years of formal education before she was transitioned into homeschooling. 

“I learned various subjects, including academics, language, arts, music, and sports. However, my study environment and knowledge scope were limited,” says Julia.  “I felt lost regarding higher education, especially university-level education, as I had no information about the scholarship process or how to obtain a high school diploma accepted by Thai universities.”

“When I found BEAM and was selected to be part of the program, I was able to study for the GED. This experience broadened my understanding of my future educational pathways and career goals.”

BEAM Education Foundation was a complete game changer for Julia. She is the first to admit that her experiences there laid stepping stones to her exciting future.

“Studying at BEAM was a turning point in my educational journey. The program, being free of charge, provided an invaluable opportunity for students with financial difficulties to pursue their GED with the support of dedicated teachers who offered exceptional guidance and encouragement,” Julia says. 

 “BEAM helped me pass my GED by providing lessons and financial assistance to take exams and also developed my soft and hard skills, which are essential in my personal and professional life. One particularly valuable skill I gained was public speaking, which has been incredibly useful during my university life.” 

“Additionally, BEAM fostered networking opportunities among students, teachers, and scholarship organizations. The connections and experiences I gained at BEAM opened doors to numerous opportunities, including scholarships, internships, and networking events, which have been instrumental in shaping my future,” she says.

Although Julia breezed through the BEAM program with great focus, she then faced some challenges trying to get a scholarship. This is where she has shown her determination, focus and resilience. 

“My scholarship journey wasn’t smooth and easy as some might think. Despite applying for more than ten scholarships, I didn’t receive any tuition support during my second year. Each rejection made me question everything: Was I not good enough? Didn’t I have a high enough GPA (even though I had a cumulative GPA of 3.9 at the time)? What was I lacking? These thoughts ran through my mind, and it was my lowest moment. I felt like a failure, very sad, disappointed, and doubted my self-worth and abilities,” Julia says.

“However, I learned a big lesson from these experiences: rejection is not failure but an opportunity to gain more strength and skills. Initially, I thought I didn’t get the scholarships because I wasn’t good enough or there was bias in the selection process. I later understood that scholarship organizations have their own target groups and selection criteria. If you don’t meet their requirements, it doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough. So, I decided to reapply with a more positive mindset, learning from my past mistakes.

I began to believe in the phrase “right person at the right time,” which motivated me to keep trying and doing my best. This mindset helped me accept rejections and not feel hurt if I didn’t meet my expectations as I knew I had done my best. Finally, my dedication paid off when I was awarded the Daughter Rising Scholarship for my tuition fees for my third and final year. I said inside myself: ‘juju, it has paid off’”, she says.

Despite the challenges faced in securing scholarships, Julia has achieved significant success at university and looks forward to an exciting future.

“My future looks much brighter now due to the many experiences I’ve gained, such as networking, studying abroad, and working with NGOs. Through networking, I have participated in feminist events as a panelist, joined exchange programs with students from Singapore and Hong Kong, and represented my university at the Asian Undergraduate Symposium at the National University of Singapore,” Julia says.

“Additionally, I was honored with the Academic Excellence Award from the Faculty of Social Sciences for two consecutive years (2021-2022 and 2022-2023). During my summer internship, I had the opportunity to work in a field I’m passionate about—women and child protection—at an NGO. These experiences have greatly expanded my network and provided me with valuable skills and connections for the future,” she says.

BEAM teachers are proud of Julia’s plans to dedicate herself to helping people from Myanmar who are in the border areas of Thailand. 

“After graduation, I plan to work at the Map Foundation, a grassroots organization in Chiang Mai that supports migrant workers and students,” she says.

 “My focus will be on Myanmar migrant children and refugees along the border, where there is a significant lack of legal assistance for these children to access basic human rights such as education, healthcare, and citizenship,” Julia says. “I plan to collaborate with Thai governmental organizations and civil society organizations to address these issues.”

“Also, Migrant women in Thailand face discrimination both as migrants and as women. I aspire to be someone who stands firm and empowers these women, utilizing the knowledge and skills I have gained from my studies,” Julia says. 

“While working at the Map Foundation, I will also prepare to pursue a master’s degree in human rights law abroad. My ultimate career goal is to become an international human rights lawyer, specializing in children’s and women’s rights,” she says.

In reflection, Julia can see how her life’s focus improved just by taking the steps into the BEAM CYLD program.

“My life is significantly different now compared to before I joined BEAM. The education and experiences I gained have broadened my horizons and opened numerous opportunities. I never imagined I would one day be studying at my dream university, pursuing my favorite subject as my major with the scholarships. 

Within this academic environment, I have gained valuable experiences that have sharpened my skills and expanded my network. Outside of university, I have also built a diverse professional network through roles as a translator, teacher, project assistant, and MC. I’ve been able to network with people from various backgrounds, participate in international programs, and work with NGOs focused on important social issues. 

My academic achievements have been recognized with awards, and I’ve developed a strong sense of purpose and direction for my future career.  Overall, I now feel more confident, capable, and ready to positively impact my community and country,” Julia says.

There is no doubt that Julia’s determination, capacity for self-reflection and her relentless self belief were the key factors that contributed to her success at getting to and achieving at Chiang Mai University.

If you want some good advice on how to get a scholarship, keep your eyes on our Facebook page for Julia’s top tips on scholarship application mindset and strategies.

Do you need some more inspiration? Check out our story on Cosec and his success.

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