... people have benefited from one of BEAM's programs in Thailand and Myanmar.
Vocational Training

Vocational Training students at BEAM aim to improve their career skills and knowledge in order to make them more competitive in the job market. The purpose is designed to promote advanced skills in tailoring and access to information technology for computer... Read More
Y.C.E.P. Program

The Youth Community Exchange Program (Y.C.E.P.) Program is a cultural learning program for integrating and reintegrating migrant people to both host and home societies. The purpose of this program is to promote understanding among different communities and different people through cultural exchanges and to reduce conflict and discrimination... Read More
Higher Education

Part of BEAM's main mission is to give migrants and marginalized youth the chance to get an education. The Higher Education program offers the unique opportunity for young people to complete the CYLD Program. This is internationally recognized, which allows alumni of our Higher Education Program to enter into universities all around the ASEAN region. It gives them the opportunity to chase their goals and go back their home to improve the their life and the lives of the whole community... Read More