BEAM Tailoring Training Completion Ceremony
On the 6th September 2015, the first Basic Tailoring training course, launched by BEAM Education Foundation in collaboration with the Thai Non-Formal Education Department, held its Completion and Certificate Award Ceremony at the Phu Kham Hotel, Chiang Mai. The training course lasted three months – starting from 11thMay, 2015 to 24th July, 2015.
Students spent a total of 100 hours in lecture and applying their skills with the help of San SanOhn, a vocational tailoring teacher at BEAM. The Thai Non-Formal Education Department provided stationery, textbooks and trainer support while BEAM provided classrooms, teaching materials and trainers.The official curriculum, written by BEAM tailoring trainers,was accredited and thirty students were registered at the Thai Non-Formal Education Department.
This basic tailoring training was the second successful collaboration between BEAM and the Thai Non-Formal Education Department (the first success being a Thai literacy course held in March 2015). In receiving official certifications from the Thai Education Department, Myanmar migrants now have more opportunities obtaining standard employment and setting up their own careers.
Currently, BEAM is in negotiation with the Thai Non-Formal Education Department to organizecrochet training.