Community Needs Analysis Workshop
On 24th January 2017, BEAM organized a community need analysis workshop at BEAM Education Foundation with 13 organizations who work with migrants and refugees in Chiang Mai.
In 2016, BEAM observed changes in migration and educational provisions for migrants. In order to continue addressing our community’s need, BEAM assumed that collective needs analysis was very important for BEAM, as well as, the migrant community based organizations. Thus, BEAM organized a community consultation meeting.
In discussion sessions, topics included migrant education, information session, educational need analysis for migrant community and potential collaboration among organizations. We also discussed how to collaborate and where we can support each other’s efforts with new ways to work together so that we can evolve, using the best practices to serve our community. In 2017, BEAM will focus on its projects toward community consultation in a workshop based on their needs.
Since 2010, BEAM has addressed the educational needs of migrant children and youth. BEAM envisions local, people-oriented, peaceful, and developed communities in Myanmar and Thailand, which can be sustained by empowering local communities through comprehensive education. BEAM believes that migrant youth have the potential to be a part of the larger community development in Thailand, Myanmar, and ASEAN but are facing barriers due to lack of proper access to vocational and higher education.