Feeling on University’s life (Nang Sein Pwint)
First of all, I would like to say thank you so much to donors, BEAM’s teachers, and scholarship committees that give me a chance to be able to study at the university. I am currently studying at Education and Psychology program at Asia-Pacific International University, Bangkok. The first few months of the university were quite bewildering because I needed to adjust to the new place, teachers, roommate, classmates, foods, and time management.
When I first came to the university, the university handed out the student book which gives me a lot of examples in order to succeed in this university. For me, choosing friends was the most important part of my study because I am spending time with my friends about in every hour. For example, if I chose friends who love to hang out and do not study hard, I might be one of them later on. In addition, when I do not have time, I learned to say “no” because if I am focused too much on everybody all the time, I will not have time to do my assignments. Therefore, I needed time to adjust during my first month at the university.
For me, being a student of Asia-Pacific International University is a precious part time of my life. I get more knowledge and wisdom from my excellent teachers and I also learn things from my people who are around me. I am studying not only to get a good GPA, but also to apply the knowledge that I have in the real life. The teachers are also generous and kind. Furthermore, they give time for the students even if it is not their office hours.
This university is run by the Seven-Days Adventists, so attending church every Saturday is mandatory. Studying about the Christian religion gives me many lessons such as “to love your neighbor as yourself” and even “to love your enemy.” I also wake up in the early morning and sing God songs. For me singing before I study helps to make me fresh and I can concentrate on the lesson very well. We also have speakers in the morning and evening, so that I know more about the lives that many people have livedas they share their testimony. Afterward, we also have a family group where the students can choose to go to the teachers’ houses and discuss God’s words and have dinner together with the teachers. I also run every morning before class and play volleyball every evening except on Friday evening, which is the Sabbath day. Therefore, being a student at the university is great and I make time for studying, for church, and for the sports and exercise