In terms of non-formal education and the TVET sector in Myanmar, there are gaps among local NFE programs as well as between NFE programs and public NFE system. Currently, the Myanmar NFE system is facilitated between the Myanmar Literacy Resource Center and UNICEF focusing on primary level out-of-school children and life skill trainings. Compared to the population of out-of-school children and youth across the country, there are developments yet to be initiated in a collective manner which should ensure the system for continuous education access and promotion of lifelong learning. For this sector, BEAM realizes the need to initiate NFE development process in four stages, which include mapping NFE landscape, comprehensive NFE definition and policy recommendation, technical support for building NFE system which supports lifelong learning, and delivering community-based NFE programs which provides continuous education access. NFE and TVET are included the following activities: A. NFE Landscaping Research in 9 States and Divisions of Myanmar

B. Technical Support (Vocational Training on Demand) This training is designed to meet the local need which is highly recommended by the local community members. BEAM provides the technical support as needed for the vocational training. The training will be conducted according to the demand letter from the locally based partner organization among 9 States and Division of Myanmar. This training is not only providing the vocational skills but also the small business skills to develop their small business. The vocational on-demand training had been successful in the following areas: • Sustainable Farming Training in Mrauk U Township, Rakine State • Baking Training, Fruit preserves, Candy, Organic Detergent Training in Pathein Township, Ayeyarwaddy Division • Vocational Tailoring and Small Business Training in Kalaymyo Township, Chin State • Vocational Tailoring and Small Business Training in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Division

C. Training of Trainers (Cross-Border Education) This program is designed to invite young motivated learners from different parts of Myanmar to attend vocational training in Thailand. This is a joint program of BEAM and Chiang Mai Polytechnic College. During the three month training, students are trained to be the vocational trainers of their community. After graduating, the students return to their communities in Myanmar to provide vocational training, such as sewing.


Number of Vocational Graduates since 2017