NFE Program

Students in this program need to be registered at Thai Office of Non-formal and Informal Education (ONIE). Students will be placed in three different levels according to their background. After completing each level, students are provided with a certificate. First level certificates will enable them to access courses at Vocational College. Second level certificates will enable them to access Diploma courses at Vocational Colleges. And third level certificates will enable them to access all kinds of higher education programs in Thailand. Since this program is in affiliation with ONIE, students are able to continue attending similar levels wherever they move in Thailand.

BEAM’s Sor-Ror-Chor (NFE center, also called Community Learning Center) participated or led several Non-formal and Informal school activities in collaboration with the Thai Non-formal and Informal Education departments and other partner organizations. This is the result of collaboration with the Thai educational departments since BEAM was officially recognized as a standalone Sor-Ror-Chor by the Office of Non-formal and Informal Education, Thailand in 2016. Since then, BEAM has been serving its own community as a Community Learning Center, conducting lifelong learning activities for youth in the Chiang Mai area. BEAM also provides a shared place for learning opportunities, exchanging ideas, and gaining knowledge of the local and regional area. In addition, BEAM can conduct all levels of Non-formal classes in collaboration with NFE Changklan Department under its own administration.

Migrant students achieve basic/lower secondary education and receive an official Thai literacy certificate, as well as a certificate which enables them to continue to vocational college and higher education in Thailand.

Admission Requirements
1. Complete application
2. (1) inch photo 4 copies
3. Copy of Household registration or ทร.38
4. Copy of ID card / labor card / Passport
5. Copy of certification
6. Other document (If any)