BEAM Scholarship Program

The BEAM Scholarship Program (BSP) was initiated during the 2011-12 academic year based on the needs of migrant and refugee scholarship applicants. Migrant students from Myanmar experience very limited scholarship opportunities when applying to university. Among the migrant population, there are more than one thousand students finishing high school equivalency programs every year, but the opportunity to continue their education is restricted. Approximately 25 percent of the total scholarship applicants are selected and granted funding for their graduate and undergraduate studies. Through our research, we also found that migrants show a strong sense of commitment to the development of their own communities and Burma. Based on the existing needs and commitments, we founded BSP (and later CSIP). BEAM is committed to supporting migrants, refugees, and underprivileged applicants who have a limited chance to further their studies and who have the potential to contribute to their communities. In the 2017-2018 academic year, 7 high school/GED graduates were awarded scholarships from BSP.

Level and choice of study

As the necessity of higher educational accreditation in Myanmar (Burma) is still crucial for students planning to participate in the future development of their country, BSP currently only supports students studying in accredited university programs.

Recruitment Process

BSP recruits grantees through the following process:

● Recruit students from BEAM’s Higher Education alumni base
● Analyze applications by using standard rubrics
● Interview students
● Hold selection meeting
● Hold grant calculation meeting
● Announce and contract

Current Recipients

6 GED alumni are current recipients of BEAM scholarships. We provide partial funding thanks to the Sievert Larsson Scholarship Foundation. Our students also receive loans from Zomia Loans and many receive scholarships from their universities. Students are required to maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher. We also encourage community service and participation in school activities. Students meet once a month with the BEAM scholarship committee to share updates. For more information please contact: [email protected]

CSIP: The Community Service Internship Program

In 2018, BEAM launched CSIP as a new scholarship and internship program. Eligible university students in Thailand can apply for this program. Based on the students’ interests, they are paired with a local NGO or organization where they will volunteer weekly for 5-10 hours (minimum of 100 hours per semester). Internships should be service oriented and can focus on mentoring youth, environmental protection, community development, health, safety, human rights or education. In return for volunteering, students will receive a scholarship for their studies. A minimum of 10,000-20,000 THB scholarship per student per semester will be awarded.

In 2018, four students were chosen to join the Community Service Internship Program. Proceeds from Chiang Mai’s City Life Garden Fair helped fund this year’s internships. Donate today.

For more information please contact: [email protected]