February 6, 2015

Feeling on University’s life (Mary Win)

Hello BEAM, here is a small greeting from me!!! I am doing really great here at Rangsit. My majoring subject is International Relation. I enjoy the university’s activities, and new friends, most of whom are foreigners. I was so excited
February 3, 2015

Basic Computer Training (Watt Sai Moon monastery)

On October 27th, BEAM provided basic computer training at the Watt Sai Moon Myanmar monastery in Chiang Mai. Currently, 15 students, mostly migrant workers, are attending every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7pm to 9:30pm. The training will be provided
January 28, 2015

Dr. Cynthia Maung’s talk on the Mae Tao Clinic and initiatives for children and the current border situation

On 27th of January 2015, BEAM’s students and teachers visited the talk given by Dr. Cynthia Maung’s on the Mae Tao Clinic and initiatives for children and the current border situation with Myanmar. The event took place at Le Meridien
January 14, 2015

BEAM’s 1st Intake Loom Knitting Training

On 16th December 2014, BEAM’s Vocational Training Center celebrated the completion of the first intake of basic Loom knitting training. Starting from 6th October, the training was provided for a total of eight students from Monday to Friday. Students successfully