Lawnt Ying is originally from northern Shan State, Myanmar and is one of BEAM’s GED graduates. She successfully passed the GED exam in 2012.
On 11th& 17th May 2018, three BEAM alumni Ah Wang, Seng Harn, and Nang Sein Pwint graduated from their respective universities.
4 students will join BEAM’s Community Service Internship Program (CSIP) for the spring semester of 2018: Hsaiwonleng Loongjing (Chen), Myo Saw (Peter), Naw Chit Su Chan (Thel Thel), and Sai Awn Khay. Congratulations on your acceptance and we look forward to hearing more about your internships!
On 23rd January 2018, four of BEAM’s students; Nang Lin Kham, Nang Mwe Poung, Saw Samual and Sai Say Noom graduated from Chiang Mai University. Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure