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April 24, 2018

BEAM/JUMP! Youth Conference was successfully held in Chiang Mai

On 5-6 Nov, 2016, BEAM/JUMP! Youth Conference: Rising Lanterns of Chiang Mai was successfully held at Funruk Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand in collaboration between BEAM Education Foundation and JUMP! Foundation. It was a two-day weekend conference with 87 youths including: Myanmar youth, Thai youth and Thai ethnic youth participants living in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

April 24, 2018

BEAM’s Second Batch Student s Gra duated

On 9th May 2017, three of BEAM’s students; Peter Suwan, Mun Maw Li and Byar Woo May @ Mary graduate from Payap University.

April 24, 2018

Certificate Awarding Ceremony for 200-hour Thai Literacy Classes

In collaboration of BEAM Education Foundation and Non-Formal Education (NFE) Department of Thailand, the certificates for finishing 5th 200-hour Thai Literacy Classes were awarded to the qualified students on 21 May 2017 (Sunday) at Chiang Mai Provincial Public Library, NFE ASEAN Center. There were 106 students in total graduated from different level of classes such 200hr Thai class, Primary level, Lower and Upper secondary level.

April 24, 2018

Global Citizenship Initiative Workshop

April 24, 2018

“Migrant Voices” Workshop at BEAM

On 12th July 2017, an autoethnography workshop at BEAM was taught by Dr. Tani Sebro, an Assistant Professor at Miami University in Ohio. The activity took two hours, and the workshop focused on autoethnography and digital storytelling. During the workshop, students have a chance to write their own autoethnographic story systematically.

April 24, 2018

The Memorandum of Understanding between The Life Skills Development Foundation (TLSDF) and BEAM Education Foundation (BEAM)

On 19 September 2017, The Life Skills Development Foundation and BEAM Education Foundation signed the Memorandum of Understanding to promote RISE’s services and activities between the two parties and to sustain this collaboration serving migrant workers in the Chiang Mai area. The main objectives are:

April 24, 2018

210 hours and 150 hours Tailoring Training finished

210 hours Tailoring TOT Training and 150 hours Tailoring Short Course Training started on 18 September 2017 in collaboration of Chiang Mai Polytechnic College and BEAM Education Foundation has successfully finished. The graduation ceremony was held on 9th December 2017 at Chiang Mai Polytechnic College Ballroom.

April 23, 2018

Thai Cuisine Training at Chiang Mai Polytechnic College finished

February 22, 2018

Child’s Dream Scholarship Information and Q&A Session

February 22, 2018

ARIArt Workshop Completion at BEAM