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February 14, 2012

Teachers workshop

Through brainstorming and discussion, we defined a shared vision for the educational needs of Burmese migrants and refugees, and then reviewed and redesigned …
February 4, 2012

Payap University’s International Day

November 30, 2012. Several female students danced Bwaydot, an ethnic Burmese dance at Payap University’s International Day.
February 1, 2012

King’s Birthday 2012

BEAM staff and students participated in the 84th commemoration of Thailand’s King’s Birthday. More than twenty student and staff from BEAM joined in a parade on December 3rd, 2012 at the King Floral Park.
January 30, 2012

2nd Anniversary of BEAM

On 30 December, over 150 members of the community rang in New Year’s Eve together as they celebrated BEAM’s 2nd anniversary.
December 29, 2011

1 day Natural Dyeing Training

On Dec 26, 2011, the tailoring school conducted a one-day training for using natural Burmese dyes. Sayamar Phyu Ei Thein led a group of 15 trainees, calling upon her 3 years of experience in silk and cotton dyeing methods practiced
December 3, 2011

King’s Birthday Parade

BEAM staff and students participated in 84th commemoration of Thai King’s Birthday. More than 20 members of BEAM joined.
November 27, 2011

The History of Burmese Student Movements

Cultural Center Event: A veteran student activist, U Aung Saw Oo, shared his life experiences and why student involvement is important for Burmese struggle
November 23, 2011

Student Exchange with LAB

BEAM Student Exchange with LEARNING ACROSS BORDERS students from Japan and Myanmar.
November 19, 2011

Field Trip: NEED Harvesting

BEAM students participated in NEED Harvesting. NEED is the Network for Environment and Economic Development.
November 2, 2011

For Bkk Flood Victims

Bridging students joined volunteers at Chiang Mai University to make clay balls used for water purification for Bangkok flood victims.