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November 15, 2012
Published by Admin at November 15, 2012
On November 12, 2012, BEAM, the Mae Tao Clinic, and MAP Foundation co-hosted a strategic seminar in Mae Sot, Thailand, for leaders in migrant education. Over 50 attendees representing more than 20 schools and education-related organizations discussed the need for standardization and accreditation of the migrant education system.
November 15, 2012
Published by Admin at November 15, 2012
REMEMBER, the first Saturday of each month is “Cleaning Day at BEAM”. We invite all students, teachers and volunteers to participate in keeping the school neat and tidy. This is a fun way to build friendships, motivate each other, and remind ourselves that we are all responsible for the environment.
September 17, 2012
Published by Admin at September 17, 2012
Many BEAM Students presented the ‘Unity’ song well by performing the traditional dance of eight major ethnic groups on 26th Aug 2012 during The ASEAN Education Challenge 2012 at The Convention Center, Chiang Mai University.
August 2, 2012
Published by Admin at August 2, 2012
BEAM F.C, BEAM Students & Rustic Pathways group held the soccer activity on 3rd July (Wed) 2013 at 4 PM to 7 PM. Rustic Pathways group is running a trip that specifically focuses on education about the Refugee experience in Thailand through cross-cultural exchange and football.
July 31, 2012
Published by Admin at July 31, 2012
A veteran of Burmese dramatic arts, Daw Khin Khin Aye, joined us on Saturday, July 28 to discuss Burmese Traditional Dramatic Arts and Dance.
July 30, 2012
Published by Admin at July 30, 2012
The quarterly bulletin provides students, teachers, and staff with a space to share their thoughts and display their writing skills and creativity, as well as to highlight past and future activities at BEAM.
July 5, 2012
Published by Admin at July 5, 2012
Thanks to the diligent work of the teachers and students on the library staff, the BEAM library is officially up and running! We finished our book list at the end of March. We currently have almost 400 Burmese books, 350
July 5, 2012
Published by Admin at July 5, 2012
Along the time of presentation, Lisu ladies in their traditional costumes and visual aids on traditional dances took our breath for a while.
June 27, 2012
Published by Admin at June 27, 2012
In May, the first 5 graduates of the BEAM program went to Bangkok to take the GED examination in all five subjects (Reading ,Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies).
June 26, 2012
Published by Admin at June 26, 2012
On April 26th, our Tailoring business united with the GotPassport and We Women to sell our products at the Lanna School Fund Fair. In total, we sold out more than 4000 baht of goods and received several orders for custom products.